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Mala Zedik's World Records

A listing of all the World Records that Mala Zedik has achieved.
Runescape Fresh Start Worlds Crafting 200m Experience
·303 words·2 mins
World Record
Mala Zedik reaches World Only 200m Experience on Runescape Fresh Start Worlds
Runescape Fresh Start Worlds Crafting 120
·751 words·4 mins
World Record
Mala Zedik reaches World First Level 120 on Runescape Fresh Start Worlds
New World - Pacifist Challenge
·1516 words·8 mins
World Record
Mala Zedik reaches World First Level 60 Pacifist character on public servers.
NA World First 80 - FFXIV:Shadowbringers
·310 words·2 mins
World Record
Mala Zedik reaches World First Level 80 for NA Servers in Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers.
New Super Mario Brothers Wii Warpless
·305 words·2 mins
World Record
Mala Zedik, as ExpsGaming, makes an new World Record in New Super Mario Brother Wii.